Places you will go

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Final Days of Summer

Wow have we been busy these past few weeks. Since my tonsils and adnoid recovery I have not stopped. With the last days at the pool to Dozer Days I have had so much fun. Mommy and daddy are exhausted, but I keep pushing them to do more before the weather gets yucky. My weekly routine is school M, W, F and Miss Amy's T, Th...weekends watch out! Here are some pictures my mommy and I want to share with you. Enjoy!

PJ, Alex and me at the pool.
Pretty much sums up my summer--the pool.
Gran, Papa and me on the gator.
Pretty, Alex, me and PJ--what a night of fun!
Tonsil and adnoid day!
First day of school!
See how tall I am--9 cups.
Spraying the fire hose at Dozer Day.
I actually got to drive the digger.
Me in a garbage truck.
My daddy and I.


  1. Kaden, I am sooo excited to see that you are measuring in non standard units already! You'll be ready for second grade in no time! Ha! You've been a busy bee this summer!

  2. I'm glad you've recovered from your surgery! You sure look like a tough guy in that hospital bed though!
