Places you will go

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Papa meets Laney

Gran and Papa came this last weekend from South Dakota. Papa met Laney for the first time because he was coaching wrestling and his season just finished. I was so excited to see them. On Thursday I was sick, so Gran took care of me. Mommy was glad she was here that way mommy didn't have to take off any school. Laney went to Miss Amy's...I had Gran and Papa all to myself. We didn't stay at home ALL day, we went shopping and to McDonalds. On Friday, I got to show Gran and Papa my school and they even met my teachers and friends. Friday night Laney and I stayed at home while mommy and daddy went bowling. This was the first date they had been on since Laney was born. Mommy didn't even cry when she left. I stayed up late and had ice cream with Papa. Gran took me to soccer on Saturday. I had to kick the ball around the cones..."I was not good". But Papa told me I need to practice and I will get better.

Painting and drawing are my hobbies. My mommy tells me I am really good at it.
Laney meets Papa for the first time...she's cute eventhough she pooped through her outfit at Miss Amy's. Don't worry it happens about twice a week:( We can't have anything nice! I think Papa is in love with her.
Laney and I loved playing with Gran.
Laney and me before bed.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Happy Birthday, Daddy. Our daddy's birthday was on St. Patrick's Day. We decorated our kitchen, baked daddy a cake, and went to get Delaney and my picture take for daddy's desk. Birthdays are my most favorite...I am just like my AunT. It doesn't matter whose birthday it is I get so excited.

Here is the picture I wrapped for daddy from Delaney and me.
Mommy, Daddy, Delaney and I

All dressed in our green so we don't get pinched!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Kaden!

Kaden turned four on February 23rd. We had a party day at our house. I returned to work part time on the 22nd, so it was a much needed day of relaxing, playing, and celebrating. His party was the following weekend with all his friends and family.

Happy Birthday Big Brother!

Yes, new bath toys--throw the old ones out!

Cake in my face:)

I love birthdays! Daddy bought me an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Picture Time

Mommy had a great take Kaden's four year old pictures and why not add Laney too. What was she thinking? Thankfully Grandma and Grandpa Brede came too. They were a big help. We had a great day, it turned out to be really fun:) Here you go Gran, Papa and AunT--they are not cropped and rotated but mommy knew you were anxious to see them. Here are some of them.

Friday, February 12, 2010

One month already!

We can't believe Laney is already one month old. She is the love of all of our lives. Kaden is the best big brother she could ask for. He is a great helper and is so patient with her. Here is what we have been up to...
Kaden the builder.

First bottle:)

A "hard day" outside with Miss Sarah and Pretty. Not sure what was more wet Kaden's clothes or his hair from sweating?

Big brother, Coach Kaden, and Laney for tummy time.

Laney digs her swing (Kaden's first debut with the camera--not bad).

What could be better? Snuggling with my babies.

Laney's favorite spot!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Hard Days" by Kaden

Laney had a weight check today with Dr. Hernandez. She weighs 7 lbs, 3 oz. GOOD GIRL! We have had some "hard days" (as Kaden would say) around our house. Here is what we have been up to...

I'm helping mommy and daddy give Laney a bath.
Daddy having bonding time with Laney.

We went on a bear hunt at our house. Here is a picture of daddy and me on our ship.
Gran and AunT came to visit.
Laney at one week old.
Grandma Brede spent the day with us on Saturday.
Uncle Matty and Aunty Sarah came to visit too.
Laney likes to talk to me.
Daddy can't do the feeding thing yet, but Laney tries to eat from him.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baby Delaney has arrived...

Delaney Jean Brede has made our family complete. She was born on January 12th @ 8:16 am. Laney weighed 6lbs 10oz and was 20 inches long. We have so many exciting things to share, but will have to wait until another time. Delaney's eyes light up when she hears Kaden's voice. He is very proud of his little sister.

Thanks for all your prayers, love and support. We can't wait until all of you meet her.


the Bredes

Our eyes meet...
Delaney Jean Brede
Newborn Laney
Kaden when he was a newbornMommy's pride and joy...

Sleeping with daddy
Kaden kissing Laney...proud big brother