Places you will go

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Visit to South Dakota

Last week we spend the week in South Dakota with Gran and Papa, AunT and Uncle Dusty.  We got to do so much but more importantly spend time with the people we love the most.

Mitchell Rodeo Parade

SO much candy...SO much fun!

Kaden and AunT at the Rodeo after the candy toss.

Kaden learned how to ride his bike with out training wheels

AunT and Laney still in pjs

Friday, July 15, 2011


Kaden loves t-ball.  He played excellent on Wednesday night!  It is so fun...and a little crazy at times.  To be honest, I think both Kaden and Laney enjoy the playground more:)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 4th

Mommy is going to try this blog thing again. Here are pictures from the Fourth of July. We made a quick trip to South Dakota to visit Gran in the hospital, so eight hours in the car and a stop at McDonald's everyone was ready for outside time.

Laney helping Daddy with the snakes.

Laney's first experience with fireworks--Kaden assisting.

Pretty and Laney--One of the few words Laney can say is "Preddy, Preddy".

PJ, Alex and Kaden at the fireworks. Kaden was so excited to see them.